Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Quick updates

The Water Bill:  I got a water bill Monday. My first thought was, "oh no! They came when no one was here, so they couldn't read the meter! Here we go again!" But, after looking carefully at the bill a few times, I find it is a replacement for the 400,000+ CFA one. They are charging me the minimum amount for February. When I pay, I will ask when the meter reader is likely to come by so that someone can be here.

Dorcas:  Although I spied Dorcas and Kefas holding hands last Tuesday when we returned from Spring Break, that relationship may have run its course. For the past few days, it has been Prince who has been following her everywhere. That is not really new: he has long been a rival for her affections, but he seems to be the only one paying her court this week.

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