Monday, May 30, 2022

Two Buddies and a Photo-bomber

 In earlier posts I discussed my favorite little guy, Dieu-Donné, the very close runner-up, Gilbert. They both like to come lean on my lap, and they will shove away whoever tries to join them. One day, they were there together. I kept reminding them to be nice to each other, so they started pretend-fighting. It was very cute, so I decided to take their picture. Sam, who has an uncanny ability to spot the very best toy in the pile and get to it first every single day, is also quite good at noticing a camera. He came up to join the picture. (he's in the center) I was not feeling mean enough to send him away. Hence, the title of this post and the picture that accompanies it.

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Two Buddies and a Photo-bomber

 In earlier posts I discussed my favorite little guy, Dieu-Donné, the very close runner-up, Gilbert. They both like to come lean on my lap, ...