Sunday, April 17, 2022

Ele agbe!

 I learned the title sentence in my first Ewe lesson with Karen and Peter a few weeks ago. It was the conclusion to a story about a duck who ran away:  "he is alive." I asked Peter if I could say that sentence about Jesus, and he said yes, so I say it to you. That may seem a funny question, but Ewe is a language that gives great importance to context, so it is possible that a word used in one context might not work in another.

Anyway, Happy Easter to everyone. I thought I would report on our service here. Everything was pretty much the same, except that the sermon did use the first few verses of Matthew 28 as its base text. What was different was the appearance of white: the tradition here is to wear white clothing on Easter. Not a lot of people followed that. I saw maybe half a dozen white dresses and one little boy all in white. The other was that the musical group sang a familiar song as their special before the sermon. 

After the service, we had a caravan of four vehicles and several people on foot as we traveled to two different homes to visit ladies who had not been able to attend church for a while due to ill health. The first one was quite overwhelmed and shed several tears at our being there.

May your services be as great a blessing to you! Ele agbe!

Just in case the video above doesn't cooperate:  You can watch it and another one from today here.

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