Journal entry from November 6:
All in all the last week has been good. I learned on Sunday afternoon that Monday was a school holiday--La Toussaint (All Saints' Day). Exciting news, because I had been longing for a free day. Of course, I still woke up around six, but I stayed in bed a little while longer than usual.
Upon arriving in the courtyard after breakfast, I learned from Tabitha that Sena was working at the farm and that he had told her I was supposed to go and watch the work. I took the short walk around the corner and then into the field. Standing and watching people hoe is not all that exciting, so I left after just a few minutes.
These two pictures of the farm were not taken on November 1, but during my visit in March.
As I approached our compound, I greeted a group of people (as I had done throughout the walk) and one of them welcomed me to Togo. Then Godwin emerged from the café and we played catch with his handkerchief. Twice we were joined by Ruth, who was bringing boxes to the house.
After that, Hammer and I drove to the sad village so he could check on the progress of the meeting place rebuilding. Almost immediately, a group of children began to gather. They found me totally hilarious, laughing at everything I said. This was not a totally new phenomenon for me, so I asked Hammer what was so funny about my talking. He answered that they were not used to hearing French from a white person. They were also fascinated by my shoes, commenting that they were "closed." That one puzzled me for a while until I realized that practically everyone wears flip flops of various styles. Dela told me that closed shoes were considered to be dressing up.
Someone found a chair for me and the children all gathered on a bench. They stared at me and laughed. Finally, in an effort to have some kind of interaction, I sang and did the Hokey Pokey with them. They also sang for me (The Old Rugged Cross) and recited some poems they had learned in school. Hammer came back from talking to the workers, flagged down a "revendeuse" and bought the children some treats. They left to go play and eat their goodies.
A very satisfying day it was!
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